Drug database

This database contains suggested safety information about the interaction of specific drugs in patients with Porphyria.

You can search this database by the drug class, drug type, generic name, brand name, or by suggested safety status. If you are unsure of a drug's correct spelling, try entering the first letters of the drug's brand name or generic name. For example, if you are searching for Motrin, try entering "mo" into the brand name field.

Drug class:
Drug type:
Generic name:
Brand name:
       To print the entire list, click here.

This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical help or advice, but is to be used only as a reference. Consult your physician regarding any health issue(s) or questions you may have. Please read our Terms & Conditions.


OK! = very likely to be safe for prolonged use by individuals with an acute porphyria, based on consistent evidence

OK? = probably safe for prolonged use by individuals with an acute porphyria, based on evidence that is either inconsistent or insufficient to be conclusive

BAD? = probably unsafe for prolonged use by individuals with an acute porphyria, based on evidence that is either inconsistent or insufficient to be conclusive

BAD! = very likely to be unsafe for prolonged use by individuals with an acute porphyria, based on consistent evidence

NO INFO = evidence insufficient for deriving any conclusion