Finding a Doctor

The American Porphyria Foundation promotes comprehensive care necessary for treating individuals with Porphyria. This section of our website offers suggestions for finding a local doctor who can manage your Porphyria, options for having your doctor consult a Porphyria specialist, and information on arranging a visit to a Porphyria clinic.

Because Porphyria is so rare, few physicians have experience treating patients with the disease. Most patients are in fact treated But the APF can help by putting your doctor's office in touch with a Porphyria specialist who can offer guidance on your care.

For those who need a diagnosis, you may be able to obtain a consultation at Porphyria clinic. Call the APF to reach a Porphyria expert at a Porphyria center. The APF office will also guide you to doctors who are not experts but are knowledgeable about Porphyria. You may be asked to send your blood, urine, and stool samples for evaluation in advance of a clinic appointment. Especially if you plan to travel for a consultation, it is a good idea to call ahead and explain that you would like to be evaluated for Porphyria so that you can be sure you have done any necessary testing in advance. If local video conferencing facilities are available, telemedicine consultation with a Porphyria expert is also available.

Regardless of your situation, it is best to establish a good relationship with a doctor in your area. Developing a relationship with a primary care physician (PCP) takes time and can be frustrating, particularly when you have difficulty finding a doctor who will manage your care. In this section of the website, you will also find Tips for the Doctor's Office that may help.

If you're having trouble finding a local doctor, the following organizations' doctor finder or physician referral services could be helpful.  The APF does not recommend or endorse the doctors listed through these sites.

American Medical Association

American Society of Hematology

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

American Academy of Dermatology

If you would like to read about supporting programs to ensure the quality of specialists in the field of Porphyria, please see our Protect the Future campaign information.